Rufus Andy Potter
Rufus Andy Potter
World War I
Pvt Army, Company K, 316th Infantry Regiment, 79th Division
Born 02/04/1889, Shouns, TN to Otha & Martha Howard Potter
Potter enlisted July 27, 1918 and was sent to France with the 326th Infantry Regiment. This unit saw extensive combat and played a major role in the final Allied offensive. The 316th fought 47 days straight in one of the largest and deadliest offensives of the war Potter was killed in action in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive on November 11, 1918 - Armistice Day. The unit as called the "Cross of Lorraine" for defending France. He was 29.
World War I
Pvt Army, Company K, 316th Infantry Regiment, 79th Division
Born 02/04/1889, Shouns, TN to Otha & Martha Howard Potter
Potter enlisted July 27, 1918 and was sent to France with the 326th Infantry Regiment. This unit saw extensive combat and played a major role in the final Allied offensive. The 316th fought 47 days straight in one of the largest and deadliest offensives of the war Potter was killed in action in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive on November 11, 1918 - Armistice Day. The unit as called the "Cross of Lorraine" for defending France. He was 29.

Meuse-Argonne Offensive