Artist's Palette Donors
The following members of our 2024 Artist's Palette have generously supported the Center for the Arts and helped to build a strong community by supporting classes, summer art programming, and arts center operations. Johnson County Center for the Arts is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
If you are interested in making an outright or planned gift, we have set up an endowment fund that is held with the East Tennessee Foundation. We are happy to answer any questions or put you in touch with a representative from the East Tennessee Foundation.
2024 Gold Donors ($1000 and over)
Mona Alderson
Evelyn Cook
Chuck Eckstadt
Ed Ellis
Webb and Gloria Griffith
Jim & Marilyn Helms
Eric and Linda Hofmann
Russ & Kathie Love
Drs. Linda and Robert Nelson
in memory of Jeffrey Baker Stout and his love for the Arts
Carol Redd
Chris and Bonnie Reece
in memory of Bill and Myrtle Brookshire
Wiley & Caroline Roark
Carol Tarr
in memory of Dr. Donald Tarr
Danny Herman Trucking
Johnson County Bank
Operation Pocket Change
Red Tail Mountain Properties
The Tennessee Arts Commission
Johnson County Community Foundation
East Tennessee Foundation
2024 Violet Donors ($500-$999)
Joe Dean Ashley
Babs Ausherman
Nancy Bryant
Harold and Barb Damron
Nancy Hulcher
Belinda Keiner
Michelle McCubbins & Fred Martin
Anne Bennett Perry
Temple Reece
Appalachian Guttering & Siding
Farmer's State Bank
Johnson County Chamber of Commerce
2024 Cobalt Donors ($250-$499)
Tara Belk
Lorraine Darocha
Kathy Dawson
Steve DuPont & Chris Slay
Warren & MaryAnn Hanrahan
Jason Hughes
Bill & Judy McGuire
Bob & Minnie Miller
Eric & Christine Nordmark
Christine Rice
Karen Rose
Deborah Roush
Paul & Susan Stephan
John and Cyndee Trussler
in honor of J. Jackson
George & Andy Wright
Jimmy Reynolds and CSI Security
Sonya Garland and Hawk Mountain Tree Farm
Celeste Dunn and H&R Block
Tara Belk
Lorraine Darocha
Kathy Dawson
Steve DuPont & Chris Slay
Warren & MaryAnn Hanrahan
Jason Hughes
Bill & Judy McGuire
Bob & Minnie Miller
Eric & Christine Nordmark
Christine Rice
Karen Rose
Deborah Roush
Paul & Susan Stephan
John and Cyndee Trussler
in honor of J. Jackson
George & Andy Wright
Jimmy Reynolds and CSI Security
Sonya Garland and Hawk Mountain Tree Farm
Celeste Dunn and H&R Block
2024 Green Donors ($100-249)
Donna Arnold
Nancy Bailey
Tara Belk
John & Susan Borst
Walt Boutwell
Art & Karen Carey
Bob & Linda Carlough
Lewis and Jeana Chapman
Mike Corn
Libby Cornett
Natalie & Kate Creekmore
Kay & Trenton Davis
Kathy Dawson
Jim & Di Dean
Caron Dewey
Ronnie & Jenny Dowell
Cynthia Goodrich
Doug & June Grunden
Ed & Betty Farnworth
Carolyn Hawkins
Marilyn Helms
Carol Hieronymus
Thomas & Karen Hitchcock
Kenneth and Pamela Johnson
Mike & Sandra Keefer
Susan & Mike Kopacka
Fred & Donna Kuhn
Jacquelyn Lansing
Joyce Liberstein
Bob Lowe
Tammy Martin
Gerald McClellan
Mina Norfleet
Debbie & Bud Reece
Karen Rose
Patricia & George Sanfilippo
Dennis Shekinah
Jean Shienle
Richard & Marie Jo Thum
Lyn and Carol Walker
Will Williams
Morris & Linda Woodring
Tom & MaryAnn Worley
Mountain City Funeral Home
Nature Speaks Pottery Studio
2024 Yellow Donors ($50-$99)
Kathleen Britts
Judith Preston Burnham
Terri Lynn Copley
Diane Darocha
Cristy Dunn
Phyllis Fujita
Carolyn Wilson Hawkins
Dean & Kathleen Henderson
Jan and Lawrence LaBonne
Bob & Joni Marsicano
Kenneth & Paula Snyder
Pam Steinke
Clara Thomas
Danny & Janet Wilson
2024 Orange Donors ($25-$49)
Lillian Andrews
David & Joan Bartholomew
Lewis & Jeana Chapman
Cristy Dunn
Colette Floyd
Kelley St. Germain
Eileen Hayworth
Mim Kohler
Dan Lipford
Kathie Love
Richard Righter
Temple Reece
Country Roads
Miller's Flowers
2024 Crimson Donors (up to $24)
Sandy Aguilar
Jason Copley
Duane & Carol Peterson
Sandy Aguilar
Jason Copley
Duane & Carol Peterson
Order a Brick (Email us with the name and image)
Thank you for supporting Johnson County Center for the Arts!
You will receive a certificate in a gold foil stamped folder to present to your loved one or keep in remembrance. (If you are picking up your certificate, email us to schedule a time.)
Please email your name, the name of the person you would like to honor or remember, and any artwork you would like to have replicated on your brick to [email protected]
The Paintbrush Circle |
Paintbrush Circle Members
Mark Sithjoff
Bob and Minnie Miller Mary Gale Anne and John Perry |
Evelyn Cook
Stephanie Cook Libby Moore Cornett Carol Redd |
Mona Alderson
Robert and Alice Glenn Wiley and Caroline Roark Tom and Sandra Fortune |
2023 Gold Donors ($1000 and over)
Web & Gloria Griffith Russ & Kathie Love Evelyn Cook Drs Linda Stout Nelson & Robert Nelson, Jr in memory of Jeffrey Baker Stout and his love for the arts Eric & Linda Hoffman Ed Ellis Vince Boag J Jackson & Lindy Johnson in memory of Jill Jackson Kingsley Chris & Bonnie Reece in memory of Bill & Myrtle Brookshire and Nancy Garrick Carol Tarr in memory of Dr Tarr Jim & Marilyn Helms Johnson County Bank Tennessee Arts Commission Johnson County Community Foundation East Tennessee Foundation 2023 Green Donors ($100-249) Webb & Gloria Griffith Linda Moon Kathy Dawson Tara Belk Bobbie Smith Henry & Jill Bontrager Willie & Karen Rose Cynthia Goodrich Tom & MaryAnn Worley Mountain City Funeral Home Temple Reece Studio Lewis Chapman Karen Carey Bob & Minnie Miller Carol Redd in memory of Vikki Woods Bob Lowe Donna Arnold Mike & Susan Kopacka F.A. Martin Warren & Maryann Hanrahan Ed & Betty Farnworth Daisy Everett The Trathens Eric & Christine Nordmark in memory of Vikki Woods Brian Logue Gerald McClellan in honor of Lewis Chapman Temple Reece Studio Catherine Muse Christine Rice John & Susan Borst Morris & Linda Woodring Ronnie & Jenny Dowell Bob & Linda Carlough George & Patricia Sanfilippo Kay & Trenton Davis Big John's Closeouts Dr Frederick & Donna Kuhn Eric Christine Nordmark Dennis & Barbara Henson Kathleen Britts Evelyn Cook in memory of Marjorie Lowe Stackhouse Jeff & Sharon Richards Fred & Donna Kuhn Kenny & Sandra Price in memory of Adam Price Lois Dunn |
2023 Violet Donors ($500-$999)
Joe Dean Ashley Nancy Bryant Belinda Keiner Anne Perry Temple Reece Danny Herman Trucking Sonya Garland & Hawk Mountain Tree Farm Lyle & Kendall Habermehl Kristy Herman in memory of Danny Herman Laura Dotson Celeste Simox Dunn Heather Gildea Farmers State Bank Appalachian Guttering 2023 Yellow Donors ($50-$99)
Marilyn Helms Lorraine Darocha Jason Hughes Vince Boag Pam Steinke Bud & Debby Reece Belinda Kiener LuAnn Reece Suba Kathy & Dean Henderson Kenneth & Paula Snyder Kay Richardson Warren & Mary Ann Hanrahan Kathleen Britts 2023 Crimson Donors (up to $24)
Lisa Roush Monica Kimball Christine Odom Marshall Sandra Moody Lucia Ernewein Judy Chapman Travis Nye Mona Alderson Starla Brooks Nancie Svensen Lori Kegley Kelley St. Germain Cristy Dunn Cindy Funkhouser Christine Odom Marshall Gloria Griffith Helen Brewer |
2023 Cobalt Donors ($250-$499)
Warren & MaryAnn Hanrahan Lorraine Darocha Dr Sandra Fortune In Honor of Miss Babs Ausherman by class members Stephen Dupont & Anthony Slay Michelle McCubbins Evelyn Cook Joyce Liberstein George & Andy Wright Bill & Judy McGuire Mike & Temple Reece Belinda Kiener Joe Dean Ashley Farmers State Bank Big John's Closeouts Donald & Terri Morris Anonymous in honor of Dan Cullinane 2023 Orange Donors ($25-$49) Jeff Davis Dennis Shekinah Jane Miller in memory of Tom Horne Janet Wilson Doug & Tina Jenkins Deborah Whitaker in honor of Betty Brown and Luke Bray Eileen Hayworth Temple Reece in memory of Vikki Woods |